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TRAINING DAYS at Shady Grove Kennel

Registration Opens
Registration Closes


We limit the number of dogs (see table above) based on conditions.  Entries will be accepted in the order that they are received.  There will be a mix of dogs and handlers (Junior, Senior and Master) in each group.  Each Hunt Test setup will be a Master triple with both a Master and Senior level blind.  The marks can be run as a Master triple, a Senior double with a single or 3 Junior singles. Each group will run one setup before lunch and another setup after lunch. The cost per dog is $15 and flyers are $25/duck.  Limit 1 shot flyer per dog.  All entries are ONLINE ONLY.  No email entries.  Sign in opens 1 hour prior to start, with training running up to 4 PM.  A quick Corporate Meeting will be held during the rotation from the morning to the afternoon setups.



1. YOU MUST ATTEND YOUR GROUPS SAFETY TRAINING SESSION TO RUN YOUR DOG OR WORK IN THE FIELD.  The safety training will be held by your group lead at your groups location at designated start time. 


2. Maximum of 3 dogs per person per setup - you can bring more than 3 dogs but you can only run 3 dogs in each setup

People with 3 dogs are required to work in the field for at least 5 dogs before running their dogs in each setup.


3. Only minor modifications of the training setup are permitted


4. Only the dog running and the dog honoring are permitted at the line.  Keep your dog under control and limit dog interaction to only dogs you are familiar with.  If your dog is reactive please limit its exposure to other dogs.


5. You MUST remain with your assigned group.  Training alone is NOT permitted.  When your group breaks for lunch, you must break for lunch.


6. Children must be under parental/adult supervision at ALL times.


7. Everyone is required to work.  Everyone should work in the field for AT LEAST 5 dogs in each setup.  If you have multiple dogs and are not able to run all your dogs and work please refrain from running ALL your dogs in each setup.  If you need to leave early and you don't have time to run your dog and work then don't run your dog.  If you are physically not able to work please make that clear when you register so that we can plan accordingly.  If you are able to work and it is determined that you do not work, or avoid working (have to be told to work), you will be asked to not come to future training days.

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